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In a notice published on 28 May, the National Agency for Health Security (ANSES) announced its intention to withdraw fungicides based on epoxiconazole from the market. 76 products are affected by the withdrawal procedure.
Epoxiconazole is an antifungal active substance authorised in the EU (expiry of its approval on 30/04/2020). In France, epoxiconazole products are used to treat the aerial parts of plants (cereals, beetroots). Nearly 200 tons are marketed each year, according to the ANSES.
This active substance is persistent in nature and is presumed toxic to human reproduction (R1B) but also carcinogenic (C2). The ANSES recalls that epoxiconazole is on the list of candidates for substitution at European level.
At the end of its work, the Agency concludes that epoxiconazole is an endocrine disruptor for humans and non-target organisms, and presents a level of danger that is of concern to humans and the environment. ANSES has informed the French authorities of the withdrawal of products containing epoxiconazole in France, and will forward its decision to the competent authorities of the European Commission and the other Member States.
Please note that our laboratory carries out the analysis of epoxiconazole in non-fat products of vegetable origin under COFRAC accreditation (Scope N°1-1904 available on the COFRAC website).
For any technical, pricing and/or regulatory information, do not hesitate to contact us.