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EU Regulation 2023/337 has been published and amends the MRLs for BAC and DDAC, chlorpropham, flutriafol, metazachlor, nicotine, profenos, quizalofop-P, thiabendazole and triadimenol.
BAC and DDAC are not active substances approved for use in PPPs. However, both substances are biocides used as disinfectants. Such use may leave detectable residues in foodstuffs. Provisional MRLs have therefore been set by Regulation 1119/2014.
These MRLs have been reviewed:
- LAC: all MRLs remain at 0.1 mg/kg on all matrices
- DDACs: MRLs on plant products are reduced from 0.1 to 0.05 mg/kg. They remain at 0.1 mg/kg for products of animal origin.
The MRL for chlorpropham on potatoes are reduced from 0.4 mg/kg to 0.35 mg/kg. Chlorpropham has been banned in the EU but a temporary MRL has been set for potatoes because monitoring data revealed possible contamination when stored in facilities with a history of chlorpropham use.
The MRL for flutriafol for rice are reduced from 1.5 mg/kg to 1 mg/kg.
The MRLs for cucurbits with inedible skin (melons, pumpkins, watermelons) are increased from 0.01 and 0.2 mg/kg to 0.3 mg/kg. This is an import tolerance, as flutriafol is permitted in the USA on inedible cucurbits.
The MRL for metazachlor on green cabbage (leafy cabbage) are reduced from 0.2 mg/kg to 0.15 mg/kg.
The MRL for cabbage inflorescence (broccoli, cauliflower) are reduced from 0.4 mg/kg to 0.06 mg/kg.
The MRL for radish are reduced from 0.4 mg/kg to 0.06 mg/kg.
The MRL for nicotine in rose hips are reduced from 0.3 mg/kg to 0.2 mg/kg.
The MRL in herbs and edible flowers are reduced from 0.4 mg/kg to 0.1 mg/kg.
The MRL in wild mushrooms (fresh) are reduced from 0.04 mg/kg to 0.02 mg/kg.
The MRL in tea are reduced from 0.6 mg/kg to 0.5 mg/kg.
This temporary MRL will be valid for three years from the publication of this Regulation. After that date, the MRL will be 0.4 mg/kg, unless subsequently modified.
The MRL in infusions are reduced from 0.5 mg/kg to 0.3 mg/kg.
The MRL in “spices in seed form” and spices in fruit form are reduced from 0.3 mg/kg to 0.02 mg/kg.
The MRL for all other spices are reduced from 4 mg/kg to 0.07 mg/kg.
For all other products for which no specific MRL has been set, the LOQ applies.
The MRLs for profenofos in herbs and edible flowers are reduced from 0.05 mg/kg to 0.03 mg/kg.
The MRL for quizalofop in caraway are reduced from 0.05 mg/kg to 0.04 mg/kg.
The MRL for thiabendazole in mango are reduced from 7 mg/kg to 5 mg/kg.
The MRL in bovine milk are reduced from 0.2 mg/kg to 0.1 mg/kg.
The approval of triadimenol expired on 31 August 2019, therefore the MRLs have been lowered to the LOQ.
Article 2 of the Regulation specifies that the former MRLs continue to apply to food produced in or imported into the EU before 14 September 2023 with the exception of rose hips and teas containing nicotine.
The regulation will apply from 14/09/2023.
Please note that your Phytocontrol laboratory offers pesticide residue analysis under COFRAC accreditation. You can consult our COFRAC technical appendix N°1-1904 available in your customer area or on the COFRAC website.
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