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Two new regulations have just been published in the OJEU (Official Journal Of the European Union)
- Regulation (EU) 2022/1363 amending the MRLs for 2,4-D, azoxystrobin, cyhalofop-butyl, cymoxanil, fenhexamid, flazasulfuron, florasulam, fluroxypyr, iprovalicarb and silthiofam.
- Azoxystrobin :
MRLs on lettuce and salad have been lowered to 10 mg/kg instead of 15 mg/kg.
- Cymoxanil :
MRLs on grapes have been lowered to 0.05 mg/kg from 0.3 mg/kg.
MRLs on spinach have been lowered to 0.9 mg/kg from 1 mg/kg.
MRLs on dried pulses have been lowered to 0.01 mg/kg instead of 0.05 mg/kg.
- Iprovalicarb :
MRLs on lettuce, broad-leaf endive/endives and rocket have been lowered to 0.01 mg/kg from 0.8 mg/kg.
For the other molecules, the MRLs have been maintained.
Article 2 of the Regulation specifies that the former MRLs continue to apply to products produced in or imported into the Union before 25 February 2023.
The Regulation will apply on 25/02/23.
- Regulation (EU) 2022/1364 on maximum levels for hydrocyanic acid.
Hydrocyanic acid is a very toxic substance. This substance is not present in foodstuffs at toxicologically relevant levels but is released during chewing or processing of foodstuffs containing cyanogenic glycosides.
To date, Regulation 2017/1237 set maximum levels only in apricot kernels at 20 mg/kg.
This new regulation sets new limits on the following matrices: linseed, almonds, fresh cassava roots, cassava flour and tapioca flour.
Below are the maximum levels set for the new regulated matrices:
These new levels will be applicable as of 01/01/23.
Please note that your Phytocontrol laboratory offers pesticide residue analysis under COFRAC accreditation. You can consult our COFRAC technical appendix N°1-1904 available in your customer area or on the COFRAC website.
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