Regulatory watch

The Phytocontrol laboratory presents all the latest news concerning regulatory monitoring in Hydrology and Agri-food.

25 May 2020

Publication of Regulation (EU) N°2020/685 on Perchlorate

The first European Alerts (RASFF) on the presence of perchlorate in foodstuffs were issued in 2013. As a reminder, perchlorate is a substance naturally present in […]
22 May 2020

Notice to Importers 2020 Dimethoate on Fresh Cherries

Following the publication of the Order of 8 April 2020 suspending the introduction into France of fresh cherries produced in a Member State of the European […]
19 May 2020

Publication of the 2019 Annual Report on Food Fraud

The European Food Fraud Network has just published its 2019 annual report. Fraudulent activities impacting the food chain can pose a risk to the consumer. The […]
18 May 2020

SARS-CoV-2 and bathing waters

On 1 May 2020, the High Council of Public Health published a notice on the use of bathing waters and natural waters in the context of […]
11 May 2020

Microplastics in the Mediterranean seabed

A recent study published on 30 April 2020 in the Journal Science reports areas of accumulation of microplastics in the Mediterranean seabed at levels never before […]
4 May 2020

EU Pesticides Control Programme 2021, 2022 and 2023

Implementing Regulation (EU) 2020/585 of 27 April 2020 concerning a multi-annual coordinated EU monitoring programme for 2021, 2022 and 2023 to ensure compliance with maximum levels […]
5 March 2020

Publication EU Regulation 2020/192 – Amendments to MRLs

Regulation (EU) 2020/192 amending Regulation (EC) No 396/2005 has been published in the OJEU. This Regulation amends the MRLs for residues of prochloraz in food and […]
2 March 2020

Chromium VI in groundwater in Marseille

In September 2013, workers carrying out work in the Soulat railway tunnel noticed the presence of coloured water infiltration. The local sanitation service revealed the presence […]
21 February 2020

Common control provisions on the analytical strategy to be implemented for the controls for organic food producers

The National Institute of Origin and Quality (INAO) is the public institution entrusted by the State with the supervision of the control system for all official […]

Why choose Phytocontrol

Phytocontrol is a technological and human project that meets the societal challenges of water and food safety with proximity, expertise, reactivity and reliability. The Laboratory provides you with the most reliable, innovative and eco-responsible solutions to guarantee you the best European expertise. A step ahead in technology, Phytocontrol develops its own Information System via a latest-generation Datacenter and innovates with its own system for tracking the sample's progress. Anticipation is Phytocontrol's credo and it is its intention to stay ahead!



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A European expert in testing for contaminants



Your routine analyses results within 2 to 6 days



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