Regulatory watch

The Phytocontrol laboratory presents all the latest news concerning regulatory monitoring in Hydrology and Agri-food.

5 December 2019

OECD publishes report on pharmaceutical residues in water

On 13 November 2019, the OECD published a report on drug residues in water. There are currently about 4000 active pharmaceutical ingredients that are administered worldwide […]
26 November 2019

Changes to the CDF 2020 Microbiological Criteria

Regulation (EC) No 2073/2005 lays down process safety and hygiene criteria for certain foodstuffs. These criteria are not sufficient to allow monitoring of the processes used […]
26 November 2019

Notice relating to the LQs for water analyses under the Environmental Code

  On 19 October 2019, a notice was published in the Official Journal of the French Republic concerning the limits of quantification of “parameter-matrix” couples for […]
14 November 2019

Publication of Recommendation 2019/1888 on the monitoring of acrylamide in certain foods.

Acrylamide is a substance formed from compounds naturally present in some foods, including asparagine and reducing sugars such as glucose and fructose at temperatures above 120°C […]
7 November 2019

Publication EU Regulation 2019/1791 and 2019/1792 – Changes in MRLs

  Regulations (EU) 2019/1791 and 2019/1792 amending Regulation (EC) No 396/2005 were published in the OJEU. These regulations modify the MRLs for several pesticide residues in […]
6 November 2019

Merger of French Institutions of agriculture and environment research: IRSTEA and INRA

  As of January 1, 2020, IRSTEA (Institut national de Recherche en Sciences et Technologies pour l’Environnement et l’Agriculture) and INRA (Institut National de la Recherche […]
11 October 2019

Non-renewal of the active substance methiocarb

  The EU Implementing Regulation 2019/1606 was published in the OJEU concerning the non-renewal of the active substance’methiocarb’. Methiocarb is used in the EU in plant […]
8 October 2019

Non-renewal of the active substance methiocarb

The EU implementing regulation n°2019/1606 was published in the OJEU concerning the non-renewal of the active substance “methiocarb”. Methiocarb is used in the EU in plant […]
7 October 2019

Publication EU Regulation 2019/1582 – Changes in MRLs

  Regulation (EU) 2019/1582 amending Regulation (EC) No 396/2005 was published in the OJEU. This Regulation modifies the MRL for residues of imazalil in foodstuffs. MRLs […]

Why choose Phytocontrol

Phytocontrol is a technological and human project that meets the societal challenges of water and food safety with proximity, expertise, reactivity and reliability. The Laboratory provides you with the most reliable, innovative and eco-responsible solutions to guarantee you the best European expertise. A step ahead in technology, Phytocontrol develops its own Information System via a latest-generation Datacenter and innovates with its own system for tracking the sample's progress. Anticipation is Phytocontrol's credo and it is its intention to stay ahead!


Our local agencies ensure an active technical and logistic follow up


A European expert in testing for contaminants


Your routine analyses results within 2 to 6 days


Our studies are carried out with a view to providing you with the greatest reliability of analysis