Article réservé aux abonnés

Following the publication of the Order of 18 April 2019 suspending the introduction into France of fresh cherries produced in a Member State of the European Union or a third country in which the use of dimethoate is authorised for the treatment of cherry trees, a notice listing the countries subject to certain conditions was published on 11 May.
There are requirements for the introduction into France of fresh cherries not produced organically, produced in certain Member States or third countries.
Thus, the introduction into France of cherries from the following European and third countries is not authorised: Austria, Romania, Czech Republic, Turkey (only for sour cherries Prunus cerasus) and other third countries.
The introduction of cherries from Argentina, Chile and Turkey (only for cherries other than Prunus cerasus) is authorised for third countries.
You will find the full Notice below: Complete order
Please note that our laboratory carries out the analysis of Dimethoate in non-fat products of vegetable origin under COFRAC accreditation (Scope N°1-1904 available on the COFRAC website).
For any technical, pricing and/or regulatory information, do not hesitate to contact us.