Article réservé aux abonnés
Regulation (EU) 2018/848 of 30 May 2018 on organic production and labelling of organic products was published on 14 June 2018.
This new Regulation repeals Regulation 834/2007 and will apply from 1 January 2021.
Below is a summary of the new features included in this regulation:
– Hydroponic production which consists in placing the roots of certain plants in a nutrient solution is prohibited.
– The production of processed organic food excludes food containing or consisting of manufactured nanomaterials.
– Some products have been included in the scope of the Regulation to the extent that they can be produced using natural production techniques. These products are listed in Annex I to the Regulation.
– A group certification system for small farmers and operators has been set up to reduce inspection and certification costs and administrative constraints, strengthen local networks, contribute to the development of better market outlets and ensure a level playing field with third country operators.
– A farm can produce both organic, in-conversion and non-organic under certain conditions.
– Operators and groups of operators shall be subject to a compliance check at least once a year. In the case where no non-compliance has been found for 3 consecutive years, the interval between two physical on-site inspections shall be two years.
– By 31 December 2024 at the latest, the Commission will submit a report to the European Parliament and the Council on the presence of products and substances not authorised for use in organic production and on the evaluation of existing national rules. This report may be accompanied by a legislative proposal for further harmonisation.
At present, Member States which have national rules prohibiting products with an unauthorised substance content above a certain level from being marketed as organic may continue to apply those rules, provided that they do not prohibit, restrict or prevent the placing on the market as organic products of products obtained in other Member States, where those products have been produced in accordance with this Regulation. Member States which make use of these rules must inform the Commission as soon as possible.
– In the event of contamination by an unauthorised substance, if the inspection body establishes that it has been used voluntarily or that precautionary measures have not been applied, the product concerned shall not be marketed as an organic product or in conversion or used in organic production.
You can consult the complete regulation at the attached link: Regulation N°2018/848
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