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The report on the DGAL’s monitoring and control plans for 2017 was published on 29 October 2018.
For the record, the objective of the monitoring plans is to estimate the overall level of contamination of the production monitored by random sampling and the objective of the control plans is to target foodstuffs presenting an increased risk of contamination.
In 2017, 61,698 samples were taken, including 60,509 from the national territory and 1189 from imports.
2017 plans for plant protection residues in primary crop production:
1124 samples were analysed:
– 339 as part of the monitoring plan (edible peel cucurbits, watercress and late harvest apples)
– 785 as part of the control plan
For the monitoring plan (random sampling), the non-compliance rate was 13.57% compared to 5.81% in 2016.
For the control plan (samples oriented to increase the probability of contamination detection), it is 3.82% compared to 7.20% in 2016.
Non-compliances are based on poor agricultural practices: non-compliance with the maximum authorised doses and/or pre-harvest deadlines, use of unauthorised products on the crop concerned, cross-contamination via the treatment of a neighbouring crop, insufficient rinsing of the sprayer and some non-conformities are linked to the persistence in the soil of certain products.
The non-compliances identified concern:
– dithiocarbamates on 3 spinach and 1 lettuce, with MRLs exceeded in all cases and a possible acute risk in the case of lettuce
– propyzamide with MRL exceedance on 2 rapeseeds
– thiamethoxam with MRL exceedance on aromatic plants (1 celery to be cut, 1 parsley and 1 thyme), all originating in French Guiana
– chlorpyriphos-ethyl on 1 peach and 1 celery to be cut
– flonicamide on 1 lettuce with MRL exceedance and on 1 basil and 1 pea. The active substance is not authorised for these uses.
– Dieldrin, Prosulfocarb and Heptachlor from environmental pollution
2017 report on the monitoring of residues of anabolic substances, banned substances, veterinary medicinal products and pesticides in animals and foodstuffs of animal origin:
– Bovine sector: Overall non-compliance rate at 0.16% (including 1.19% on antibiotics, 0.37% on NSAIDs, 0.29% on pesticides, 0.21% on Glucocorticoids)
– Swine sector: Overall non-compliance rate 0.10% (including 0.53% for Stilbenes, steroids and resorcylic acids; 0.41% for Nitroimidazoles and 0.34% for antibiotics)
– Ovine and Caprine channels: Overall non-compliance rate at 0.76% (including 12.79% for Stilbenes, steroids and resorcylic acids and 0.34% for antibiotics). Actually, it was the presence of alpha nandrolone in the urine that was detected. This steroid may be present endogenously at varying levels of concentration depending on the physiological state of the animal, including its gestational state.
– Equine sector: Overall non-compliance rate 0.32% (including 1.09% for beta-agonists)
– Poultry sector: Overall non-compliance rate 0.06% (including 1.34% for Stilbenes, steroids and resorcylic acids).
– Rabbit, Game and Honey sectors: Overall non-compliance rate of 0% respectively
– Aquaculture: Overall non-compliance rate 0.28% (including 0.82% for antibiotics)
– Milk sector: Overall non-compliance rate 0.15% (including 0.17% for NSAIDs-antibio(microbio)-Benzimidazole)
– Egg channel: Overall non-compliance rate 0.38% (including 0.70% for anticoccidians and 0.48% for sulfonamides). The hypothesis adopted for anticoccidial non-conformities is a contribution via a diet not supposed to contain it. Indeed, a food containing anticoccidial agents can “contaminate” a food that does not contain them in a food manufacturing plant.
2017 review of the monitoring and control of persistent organic pollutants (dioxins, PCBs, PAHs) in food of animal origin:
– Dioxins and PCB-DL: Non-compliance rate in wild marine fish 0.99%, in freshwater fish 10%, in game meat 5.6%.
– PCB-NDL: Non-compliance rate in eggs 2.47% and in game muscle 5.88%. The non-compliance rate in wild fish is 0.99% and in wild freshwater fish 10%.
– PAHs: No non-compliance was found in the seafood products analysed.
2017 review of the monitoring and control of metallic trace elements in food of animal origin:
The control plan (targeted sampling) revealed a non-compliance rate of 0.92% and the fisheries monitoring plan detected a non-compliance rate of 4%.
2017 review of radionuclide monitoring in animal food and food of animal origin:
This monitoring plan shows low levels of radiological activity in foodstuffs in France. However, wild animals that are more heavily contaminated in some areas affected by the fallout from the Chernobyl accident (mainly in eastern France, the southern Alps and as far as Corsica) remain well below the maximum levels used for international trade.
2017 review of the monitoring of live bivalve molluscs contaminated by phycotoxins at the distribution stage:
No regulatory threshold exceedances for lipophilic toxins, ASP and PSP were detected. The non-compliance rate for live bivalve molluscs is therefore estimated at 0%.
2017 review of the monitoring of histamine contamination in tuna at the distribution stage:
The non-compliance rate is therefore estimated at 1.87%. In 2018, the plan will target mackerel and tuna.
2017 review of the monitoring of shellfish contamination by E. coli at the distribution stage:
The non-compliance rate is 6.2%.
2017 review of the monitoring of contamination of sliced cooked pork meat products with listeria monocytogenes at the distribution stage:
The estimated contamination rate of sliced cooked pork meat products placed on the market in France by L. monocytogenes is 0.0%.
Overall non-compliance rate 0% for non-PAT samples and 0.15% for PAT samples.
You will find the complete details of this report in the link below: DGAL 2017 BALANCE SHEET.