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Three new regulations amending Regulation EC 396/2005 on MRLs for pesticide residues have just been published in the OJEU.
- EU Regulation 2025/146 amends the MRLs for zoxamide.
The MRLs for garlic, onions and shallots have been increased from 0.02 mg/kg to 0.7 mg/kg.
The MRL for tomatoes has been increased from 0.5 mg/kg to 2 mg/kg.
The MRL for aubergines has been increased from 0.02 mg/kg to 0.5 mg/kg.
The MRL for honey has been increased from 0.05 mg/kg to 0.2 mg/kg.
Citrus fruit, nuts, pome fruit, stone fruit, berries and small fruit (except grapes), miscellaneous fruit, root and tuber vegetables (except potatoes), spring onions/scallions and chives, peppers, okra/cambola, sweetcorn, brassicas, leafy vegetables, herbs and edible flowers, leguminous vegetables, stem vegetables, mushrooms, dried legumes, oil seeds and fruits, cereals, teas, coffee, infusions, cocoa and locust beans and sugar plants, the MRL has been set at 0.01 mg/kg.
The regulation will apply from 19/08/2025.
Article 2 of this regulation states that the old MRLs will continue to apply to products placed on the EU market before 19/08/25.
- EU Regulation 2025/158 amends the MRLs for acetamiprid.
MRLs have been lowered for apples, pears, quinces, medlars, apricots, cherries, peaches, grapes, blackberries, raspberries, bilberries, cranberries, gooseberries, black elderberries, table olives, bananas and tomatoes, sweet peppers, cucumbers, courgettes, melons, pumpkins, watermelons, broccoli, cauliflower, head cabbage, lamb’s lettuce, broad-leaved endive, rocket, brown mustard, spinach, chard and asparagus.
The regulation will apply from 19/08/2025.
- EU regulation 2025/195 amends the MRLs for fenbuconazole and penconazole.
The MRLs for fenbuconazole have been lowered for grapefruit, oranges, apricots, peaches, plums, grapes, cranberries, bananas, sweet peppers, edible and inedible cucurbits, peanuts, sunflower seeds, rapeseed, barley, rye, wheat and milk.
They have been increased from 0.05 mg/kg to 30 mg/kg for teas.
The MRLs for penconazole have been lowered for apricots, peaches and grapes.
They have been increased for pome fruit, plums, blackberries and raspberries.
The regulation will apply from 24/08/2025.
Article 2 of this regulation states that the old MRLs will continue to apply to products placed on the EU market before 24/08/25.
Your Phytocontrol laboratory offers pesticide residue analysis under COFRAC accreditation. You can consult our COFRAC technical appendix N°1-1904 available in your customer area or on the COFRAC website.
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