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EFSA recently published its new pesticide residue intake model: “Model PRIMO EFSA Rev 3” applicable since 1 February 2018.
This file groups together the consumption data provided by the various Member States of the European Union and makes it possible to evaluate the dietary risks of pesticide residues in particular, within the framework of the setting up or the revision of an MRL.
The model allows both acute and chronic consumer risk to be assessed.
Among the changes made are the addition of new food consumption data and an update of the classification of food products according to the latest Annex I of Regulation No 396/2005 in force.
The short-term toxicological evaluation annexes developed by our laboratory (Appendix ARFD) have been completely revised taking into account the data from this new model since February 1, 2018.
These annexes are carried out within the framework of pesticide residue analysis, on the matrices identified in Annex I of Regulation No 396/2005 and on request.
For any further information, do not hesitate to contact your regional Phytocontrol office.