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On December 18, 2019, ANSES (French national body for food, environment and occupational health & safety) published an report relating to an expert assessment, excluding risk assessment, on the establishment of an appropriate monitoring program for water intended for human consumption in the Hauts-de-France region following a fire at the Lubrizol plant.
The purpose of this report is to assess the sampling and analysis strategy implemented by the ARS Hauts-de-France and to propose recommendations based on the results of drinking water analyses available as of November 26, 2019 and discussions with the various stakeholders.
With regard to the programme set up by the ARS, the ANSES recommends :
- Maintaining research into heavy metals.
- Maintaining the analysis of PAHs because, although they can come from several sources, they are indicators of trends of burning common to all monitored environmental compartments: air and soil. The list of molecules sought should be completed by including the transformation products of PAHs, i.e. the methylated forms.
- Not limiting ourselves to the search for Benzene concerning VOCs. A research into a wider panel via screening should be conducted.
- No longer measuring the Hydrocarbon Index.
- Continuing the search for the following parameters: pH, conductivity, turbidity, TOC, etc.
- Not analysing PCBs, dioxins and furans and perfluorinated compounds as part of the enhanced drinking water monitoring programme in the Hauts-de-France region
These recommendations apply to both surface water intakes and groundwater withdrawals.
ANSES proposes to adapt sampling frequencies and duration according to the vulnerability of the catchments. A distinction should be made between three groups of catchments (see Annex 2 of the report ) according to the nature of the topography, the thickness of the unsaturated zone, the potential infiltration of surface water and the nature and thickness of the surface formations.
It recommends that this monitoring be carried out until the end of the hydrological year (September 2020) so that the entire annual recharge of the water table is monitored.
Generally speaking, in the context of environmental and health monitoring, it is recommended that non-targeted analyses of the screening type be carried out in order to obtain spectral (non-interpreted) footprints.
Finally, the GECU (French watchdog) insists on the importance of data sharing between the different actors concerned, namely the LRA (regional health body), the Water Agencies and the analysis laboratories.
Phytocontrol has the national approval of the Ministry of Health for sampling and analysis for water health control.
Our laboratory is also approved by the french Ministry of Environment for analyses in the field of water and aquatic environments under the Environmental laws.
You will find details of our accreditations on our technical appendix COFRAC N°1-6066.
For any information, please do not hesitate to contact us.