Where does fosetyl-Al come from ?
Fosetyl-Al is a pesticide used as a fungicide to control various diseases on food and feed crops.
Fosetyl-Al has phosphonic acid (or phosphorous acid) as its main metabolite, which is regularly detected in poorly processed food matrices. This is the active ingredient analysed in our laboratory.
Which food chains are concerned ?
The wine sector
The fruit and vegetable sector (apple, pear, tomato, lettuce...))
Fosetyl-Al is the active substance for which the highest number of MRL exceedances have been reported in relation to the number of samples analysed.
The use of fosetyl (Fosetyl-Al) is regulated and authorized in France and in Europe according to the regulation N°1107/2009.
Regulation (EU) N°396/2005 and its successive amendments set MRLs for fosetyl in foodstuffs.
According to the review published by EFSA, "Peer review of the pesticide risk assessment of the active substance fosetyl EFSA Journal 2018;16(7): 5307' and the fact sheet published by BNN, 'Phosphonic acid, potassium phosphonate (potassium salt of phosphonic acid), fosetyl-aluminium May 2017', the phosphonic acid content in the matrices analysed may come from non-phytopharmaceutical sources (such as fertilisers) but also from the metabolism of fosetyl-Al.
The Phytocontrol solution
The Phytocontrol laboratory, expert in pesticide analysis, adapts to your needs and offers you the analysis of Fosetyl-aluminium and phosphonic acid by LC-MS/MS at quantification limits up to 0.01 mg/kg.
Why choose Phytocontrol
Phytocontrol is a technological and human project that meets the societal challenges of water and food safety with proximity, expertise, reactivity and reliability. The Laboratory provides you with the most reliable, innovative and eco-responsible solutions to guarantee you the best European expertise. A step ahead in technology, Phytocontrol develops its own Information System via a latest-generation Datacenter and innovates with its own system for tracking the sample's progress. Anticipation is Phytocontrol's credo and it is its intention to stay ahead!