This year, increased vigilance is required in the face of the health risks associated with ergot alkaloids. The cereals industry is well aware of this: harvesting and storage are key stages in controlling these risks.
Phytocontrol supports its customers by offering expert advice and specific analyses to ensure reliable identification and quantification of ergot alkaloids in cereal products.
Alkaloids are toxic secondary metabolites naturally present in certain plant species. There are several types, including datura, pyrrolizidine, ergot, piperine, chaconine and solanine.
The risks of ergot alkaloids
Ergot alkaloids are toxins produced by a fungus - Claviceps purpurea - which is parasitic on rye (the most well-known ergot-susceptible cereal) and other cereals such as wheat, barley, oats, etc. The toxic alkaloids develop when the fungus replaces the seeds with black, toxic structures called sclerotia. The toxic alkaloids develop when the fungus replaces the seeds with black, toxic structures called sclerotia, which can contaminate crops.
The presence of these substances in foodstuffs is likely to cause undesirable health effects and therefore present a health risk. Ergotism can cause serious symptoms: neurological disorders, vasoconstrictive effects, gastrointestinal problems and effects on the cardiovascular system.
Regulation 2023/915 and its amendments set maximum levels for ergot alkaloids in cereal grains placed on the market for the final consumer (rye, barley, wheat, spelt, oats), their milled products, wheat gluten and cereal-based preparations intended for infants and young children. Certain levels will be lowered from 1 July 2028. No maximum levels have been set for animal feed.
Our solution dedicated to the food safety of cereal products
To help producers, processors and manufacturers in the cereals sector meet the requirements of European regulations on ergot alkaloids, the Phytocontrol laboratory offers accurate quantification of these substances using a rapid and reliable HPLC-MS/MS method. This analysis makes it possible to achieve very low thresholds in terms of quantification limits, of the order of 1 µg/kg, always within a short timeframe of 3 to 5 days.
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