Phytocontrol is pleased to announce its new success in the German QS test.
For over 10 years, Phytocontrol has built a solid reputation as a European leader in contaminant analysis, and the renewal of the QS certificate testifies to the high level of expertise of the Laboratory, and to the continuing analytical quality that Phytocontrol gives you. This German quality standard covers all the stages of the food supply chain.
This inter-laboratory test consists in detecting and quantifying within 48 hours and several "blind" active ingredients, including the latest regulatory advances in terms of residue definitions. Our participation in the QS standard ensures you a high level of quality since the criteria for success are among the strictest :
- all molecules must be identified
- no false positives are tolerated
- the quantifications must be between 70 and 120% of the doping level
The success of this German interlaboratory test is the additional guarantee of our analytical excellence in the shortest possible time, ensured by expert, multidisciplinary and dynamic teams who work every day for the success of Phytocontrol through a reliable, efficient and reactive analytical service.
For all technical, pricing and/or regulatory information, do not hesitate to contact us.
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