Phytocontrol is an independent, privately-owned French analytical expert, helping wine industry professionals to set up control plans.
The Laboratory offers consulting and contaminant analysis services, as well as a complementary offer in microbiology and food physico-chemistry.
As a reminder, this summer the DGCCRF published a guide for professionals to help them apply the new wine labeling rules. Indeed, since December 8, 2023, two new items of information are mandatory on the labels of wines produced from this date onwards: the list of ingredients and the nutritional declaration.
Phytocontrol is able to detect a wide range of substances, including pesticides (glyphosate, fosetyl-aluminium, folpet, dimethomorph, dithiocarbamates, fluopicolide, etc.), heavy metals (lead, cadmium, arsenic, zinc, copper, mycotoxins (ochratoxin A), biogenic amines, phthalates, methanol, etc.).), heavy metals (lead, cadmium, arsenic, zinc, copper), mycotoxins (ochratoxin A), biogenic amines, phthalates, methanol and allergens (sulfites, casein, egg proteins), as well as assessing nutritional values.
Faithful to our principles of independence and impartiality, we guarantee the reliability of the analysis results we provide on a daily basis. We are fully aware of the implications of our actions, and attach great importance to the precision and accuracy of analysis results, while maintaining absolute confidentiality and discretion towards our customers.
Contaminant limits in wine are defined by the International Code of Oenological Practices (OIV) and European regulations.
Regulation (EC) no. 396/2005 sets MRLs for pesticide residues in wine grapes. Regulation (EU) 2023/915 sets maximum levels for metals and ochratoxin A in wines.
The OIV also sets limits for certain metals in wine.
EU regulation 1169/2011 specifies the nutrients required for nutritional declarations and the list of allergens required for wine labeling. Sulfite levels in wines are set out in delegated regulation 2019/934.
Regulation (EU) no. 10/2011 specifies the SMLs for phthalates that can migrate into wine.
Need technical, regulatory or pricing information? Our customer service is available from 8am to 6.30pm, Monday to Friday.
And if you don't want to miss any Phytocontrol news, join us on our LinkedIn page!
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