The group of analysis laboratories anticipates and establishes new health rules for the safety of its employees.
Following the new sanitary protocol in company presented by the Minister of Labour and the recrudescence of positive cases at Covid-19, Phytocontrol has taken the necessary protection measures for the safety of all its collaborators and has set up a continuity plan to ensure the demands of its customers.
Anticipation of the sanitary protocol
Since July 31st, the mask is mandatory everywhere, in our laboratories, offices and premises. These measures had been relaxed at the exit of the containment, but as soon as the number of clusters increased, we decided to move ahead with the reinforcement of barrier gestures.
Strict new rules came into force within the group since this summer, ensured by a permanent monitoring: provision of several types of masks (FFP2 or surgical) depending on the workstation, provision of hydroalcoholic gels at each entrance to buildings and break rooms, traffic plan and safety distance, regular reminders of safety instructions and gestures to adopt ...
Phytocontrol is kind to its collaborators by offering two tissue masks to each of them. Moreover, the company strongly recommends teleworking to limit massive flows within laboratories and offices.
Coronavirus cell
A Coronavirus cell has been created since last March to ensure the safety of all, update the health protocol and ensure compliance with the instructions.
In close collaboration with occupational medicine, the Coronavirus cell has established a strict protocol to be followed in case of a contact or COVID-19 positive case :
- To be considered at risk, the contact must have been in prolonged contact (15 minutes or more), face to face, unprotected, within 1 meter, in a confined environment, within 48 hours before the onset of symptoms or the PCR test that was positive for the patient.
- Contact cases also include employees who have received projections (coughing or sneezing) from the patient, regardless of the duration of exposure.
The contact case will then be contacted by the CPAM-COVID-19 platform and will have to follow the instructions, inform his manager, fill in the "COVID-19 contact case" form with him and send it by e-mail to the Coronavirus Unit of Phytocontrol.
For the safety of all its collaborators and the smooth running of the activity, Phytocontrol ensures with the greatest vigilance the respect of all barrier gestures!
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