Phytocontrol Laboratory meets GAFTA requirements for analytical competence and evaluation of grains and feed.
The GAFTA (Grain and Feed Trade Association) is an international organisation that protects the interests of its members around the world and promote international trade in the grain and feed sectors. More than 80% of the world cereal trade is governed by GAFTA conditions. The association has more than 1800 members in 95 countries.
In accordance with the requirements of the certifying body, Phytocontrol was subjected to a proficiency test. Thanks to its expertise, the Laboratory has successfully passed this inter laboratory test in order to be recognised in both fields of activity: cereals and animal nutrition. Phytocontrol is thus referenced in the directory of analysts approved by the GAFTA..
Strong recognition
The knowledge and skills of Phytocontrol's analytical experts are recognised by the largest food committees. Internationally, the Laboratory is GAFTA approved for grains and animal commodities, as well as GMP+ (Good Manufacturing Practices), on feed testing processes in accordance with the applicable requirements and conditions of the GMP+ B10 standard. In France, Phytocontrol is referenced by OQUALIM for the control of food safety and quality.
These inter-professional recognitions of the cereal, oilseed and feed sectors guarantee a high quality of analyses in the best turnaround times.
Contaminants Specialist
Phytocontrol is an expert in the analysis of contaminants in foodstuffs and more widely in all products of plant and animal origin. Accredited by COFRAC according to the ISO/IEC 17025 standard (available on and its advanced technologies, the Laboratory deploys a first-class analytical service : Pesticides, Dioxins, Allergens, GMOs, Heavy metals, Mycotoxins, Species authentication, Food microbiology, Nutritional values, Alkaloids, andcontaminants from packaging.
For any technical, pricing and/or regulatory information, please feel free to contact us.
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