Phytocontrol confirms its advances in Eco-Technological innovations for water analysis.
Following the latest Cofrac audits carried out in our laboratories, the methods of analysis of organic compounds by LC-MS/MS and GC-MS/MS now integrate our scopes of accreditation for freshwater, mineral and carbogas:
- Pesticide Multiresidues
- Glyphosate, AMPA and Glufosinate
- Multi-residue PAHs
- Multi-residue VOCs
These New Generations analyses developed exclusively by our R&D team offer a double advantage, combining high reactivity and reduced environmental impact through the use of low volumes of water and solvents:
- Economical sample transport: low volume of water required due to reduced amount of test sample taken.
- More environmentally friendly extraction: solvent volume less than 1 mL
- Accreditation of a complete and relevant pesticide package at a quantification threshold of 0.01 µg/L
- Recognised reactivity: analysis time 3 to 5 days
Our team of COFRAC-qualified water sampling technicians, equipped with refrigerated vehicles, ensures the collection and transport of your samples as quickly as possible and the respect of the transport temperature.
Find our updated scope of accreditation.
We invite you to contact your regional agency for further details.
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