Inauguration of the Phytocontrol Proxilab Brittany Laboratory
On Tuesday 4 June 2019, the Phytocontrol group inaugurated in the outskirts of Rennes, the Phytocontrol Proxilab BretagneLaboratory, its 1st local laboratory.
Inauguration of the 500M2 of the Laboratoire Phytocontrol Proxilab Bretagne.
Located in Vézin-le-Coquet, this establishment with a laboratory and a commercial agency, historically present in this region, works to meet the needs of the players in the food and water industries in Brittany. This central geographical position and an optimised logistical organisation enable it to respond to requests with a high level of reactivity.
Phytocontrol is proud to participate actively in the economic development of the region through the implantation of its first proxilab in Brittany.
"The large number of our clients, institutional clients and partners shows the close link we maintain with our ecosystem and our strong local footprint, which is also part of a national networking plan. This 1st regional laboratory corresponds perfectly to this dynamic", says Mikael Bresson, President of the Phytocontrol group. The Phytocontrol Proxilab Bretagne Proxilab Laboratory will now work on developing its catalogue of analyses and diversifying its activity, with a particular objective in favour of analyses for hydrology at the service of regional authorities, always relying on strong analytical reactivity, but also on new eco-responsible processes.
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