Phytocontrol continues to strengthen its position as an analytical expert in food safety with the development of a new species authentication offering using NGS technology: the determination of fruit species.
Food industry professionals, whatever your sector of activity, are increasingly exposed to and confronted with risks related to fraud and food safety. The indications on the label are misleading and represent the majority of food frauds. The Phytocontrol Group offers you solutions to face these risks.
NGS: an innovative and safe technology based on DNA
NGS (Next Generation Sequencing) is a new molecular biology technique that allows the detection, identification and listing of components of animal or plant origin in a food sample, against an evolving database. In parallel to the (q)PCR technique which determines the targeted species ("Is there beef in my sample?"), NGS allows to refine the analysis up to the identification of all detected species ("In my sample, there is beef, rabbit and sheep").
What Phytocontrol can offer
Phytocontrol offers you the possibility to control and identify the authenticity of your plant, meat, fish and fruit species in agricultural production, processed food products, or in animal feed.
The laboratory offers 4 types of analysis:
These packs are available individually or combined according to your needs.
In total, more than 17,000 species are covered by our method, excluding false positives and being able to identify all components in a mixture.
What does the regulation say?
According to Regulation (EC) No 178/2002 on the safety of foodstuffs, Chapter II Section I Article 8: "Food law aims to protect the interests of consumers and provides them with a basis for making informed choices about the food they consume. It shall aim to prevent: fraudulent or deceptive practices; adulteration of food and any other practice which may mislead the consumer.
According to Regulation (EU) 1169/2011 on the provision of food information to consumers, Chapter III Article 7, on fair information practices for consumers: "Food information shall not mislead, in particular as to the characteristics of the food, and as to the nature, identity, properties, composition, quantity, durability, country of origin or place of provenance, method of manufacture or production of the food.
Need technical, regulatory and pricing information? Our customer service is available from 9am to 5pm, Monday to Friday.
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