At the forefront of analytical innovation, Phytocontrol is continually developing new, fast and reliable methods to provide you with the best European expertise in contaminant analysis for professionals in the wine industry.
As the core business of Phytocontrol, contaminant analysis is consolidated by a complementary offer in microbiology and food physico-chemistry, as well as a pool of innovative solutions for water analysis. Phytocontrol thus offers you a complete approach to meet all your analytical needs.
The group's values
Competence, Integrity, Authenticity and Responsibility symbolise, as well as our history, the part of the Phytocontrol Group's identity. On a daily basis, these values guide our actions and our relationships with our stakeholders. As an independent laboratory, we report analytical results on a daily basis and measure the scope and consequences of our actions at all times. We know the need to report to our clients on the accuracy and precision of the analytical tests entrusted to us, with absolute discretion and confidentiality.
Phytocontrol services
The International Code of Oenological Practices (OIV) and European regulations lays down certain limits for contaminants in wine. Phytocontrol is able to analyze most of these contaminants such as pesticides (MRLs on wine grapes), metals (lead, cadmium, arsenic, zinc, copper), ochratoxin A, biogenic amines, phthalates and bisphenol A, allergens (sulphites, casein, egg protein), ethyl carbamate and nutritional values.
- Expertise: a list of pesticide residues specific to the wine sector of more than 200 relevant active ingredients that meets European and national regulatory requirements.
- Innovation: the latest generations of analytical technologies of LC-MS/MS, GC-MS/MS, APGC-MS/MS and LC/GC-QTOF to provide you with new, ever more reliable and reactive analyses.
- Proximity: our agencies cover the entire national territory and carry out on-site collections.
- Availability: a single contact person trained for crisis management who will assist you in answering technical and regulatory questions.
- Reactivity: your routine analyses within 3 days
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