Phytocontrol offers you the determination of carbon isotope ratios C/1312 C of vanillin by GC-IRMS under COFRAC accreditation, a guarantee of quality and analytical excellence.
This new service strengthens our range of services to support producers and manufacturers in controlling the naturalness and authenticity of vanilla and its constituents.
Faced with the growing risks of fraud and adulteration in food products, food industry professionals are responding to growing consumer demand for products whose origin, traceability and authenticity are assured, true markers of quality.
Vanilla, a coveted spice subject to fraud
Vanilla is one of the world's most widely consumed spices. As an aromatic plant, the commercially available vanilla bean is particularly rich in aromatic compounds, notably vanillin. It is, however, easy to produce vanillin synthetically, known as "synthetic vanillin". This version can be used to replace natural vanillin, but in this case, the finished product cannot be labelled "natural vanilla flavouring".
The undeclared addition of synthetic vanillin constitutes fraud and is qualified as adulteration. It is therefore essential to carry out regular checks on both raw materials and finished products.
The Phytocontrol solution
Controls can be performed using a variety of technologies:
- Determination of the carbon isotope ratio C/1312 C of vanillin by GC-IRMS provides information on adulteration.
- Analysis of vanilla's other constituents (PHB aldehyde, PHB acid, vanillic acid) indicates whether all the compounds naturally present in vanilla have been identified and quantified to the expected values.
Phytocontrol can support you in your search for vanilla authenticity and control the absence of adulteration by determining the carbon isotope ratios C/1312 C of vanillin, under COFRAC accreditation, and analyzing the various vanilla compounds.
Need technical, regulatory or pricing information? Our customer service is available from 8am to 6.30pm, Monday to Friday.
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