The Phytocontrol laboratory supports you in the marketing of safe products and offers you a new method: the stability test for the control of canned food.
This new rapid method covers a wide range of assimilated and appertised products. The stability test validates the sterilisation or pasteurisation scales of food products that have undergone an autoclave stage, and thus controls the deterioration of the products and the development of pathogenic bacteria.
The stability test is applied to appertised and similar products that meet the definition of canned food.
Phytocontrol supports you
Our expertise and our latest generation analytical equipment ensure you a high-performance and responsive service. By combining proximity, technicality and regulatory monitoring, Phytocontrol is your preferred partner for the surveillance of all microbiological pathogenic germs and hygiene indicators.
Feel free to contact your regional Phytocontrol agency for any technical, pricing or regulatory questions.
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