Phytocontrol enriches its offer in water physico-chemistry with new COFRAC accredited analyses in fresh water: REDOX potential, turbidity by Secchi disk method, and substances extractable with Hexane.
REDOX potential is an acronym for the terms oxidation and reduction. It is a measure that indicates the degree to which a substance can oxidize or reduce another substance. Turbidity is the reduction in transparency of a liquid due to the presence of undissolved matter. Hexane extractable substances can be organic dyes, sulfur compounds, certain organic acids, surfactants, etc., provided the substance is less volatile than hexane.
The REDOX potential
The oxidation-reduction process is natural, it takes place in our body, in the water, the earth...
Ae- + B -> A + Be
Most types of water, including tap water and bottled water, are oxidizing agents and their redox potential is positive. Disinfection treatments, e.g. with chlorine, are directly related to oxidizing power. The redox potential is one of the monitoring points for disinfection processes. Redox potential measurements are also used to monitor the denitrification of waste water.
Turbidity by the Secchi disk method
Simple, fast and economical, the Secchi disk method is used to evaluate the vertical depth of light penetration in water. The principle of the method is to determine the depth at which a white disc becomes invisible to the eye (known as the "Secchi depth"). Our sampling technicians are trained and qualified to carry out this method.
Substances extractable with Hexane
Some organic matter suspended in water is extractable by hexane. This method is used for the treatment and recovery of fatty waste.
The Phytocontrol solution
According to the International Office for Water, very good quality water will have a saturation rate of 100 to 110% and a redox of 300 to 400mV while a saturation rate of 30% with a redox at - 50mV will be an indicator of pollution. Phytocontrol is able to perform under accreditation the analysis of the redox potential by probe, the pH by potentiometry, the turbidity by Secchi disk method, and the hexane extractable substances.
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