The Phytocontrol Laboratory is expanding its range of GMO analyses and adding 4 new events under COFRAC accreditation on the following species :
- MAIS : 5307, MZIR098
- COLZA : Oxy-235.
We offer real-time PCR analysis of GMOs, with the ability to scan all known markers and target events.
Our knowledge of the regulatory environment for these analyses allows us to focus on GMO screenings by species (Soya, Corn, Rapeseed, Rice, Cotton, Potato, Flax, Beetroot) and multi-species, using the relevant markers and events. Our offer allows you to cover the GMO risk in your raw products, your processed products and in animal feed.
Recently, the European Commission has authorised new GMOs for food and feed use, including SYHTØH2 soybean. 5307 maize is also authorised in the European Union, while MZIR098 maize and Oxy-235 oilseed rape are not authorised.
Phytocontrol is the only laboratory accredited by COFRAC for the analysis of MZIR098 maize, SYHTØH2 soybean and Oxy-235 rapeseed GMOs.
As a reminder, GMOs (Genetically Modified Organisms) are living organisms whose genetic heritage has been modified by human intervention with the aim of modifying or adding certain properties to the plant, for example :
- endowing certain plants with resistance against insects,
- to facilitate weeding,
- to increase certain drought tolerance measures.
The European Union has put in place a regulation to give European consumers the free choice to consume or not consume GMOs, requiring that products containing GMOs with a detection threshold higher than 0.9% be specifically labelled.
Authorisations are granted for ten years and any product produced from these GMOs will be subject to EU rules on labelling and traceability. The authorisations allow the consumption and not the cultivation of these GMOs.
Need technical, regulatory and pricing information? Our customer service is available from 8am to 8pm from Monday to Friday at +44 (0) 2037 430 973 or
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