Phytocontrol has obtained COFRAC accreditation for new analytical methods for organic compounds in water.
The contamination control of water is important and regulated with regard to possible contaminants such as pesticides, volatile organic compounds (VOC), PAH, hydrocarbon indices, etc.
In its desire to provide you with better support, Phytocontrol has optimized new methods to increase its reactivity and provide you with results in a very short time.
For the analysis of VOCs (volatile organic compounds), Phytocontrol has chosen the Purge and Trap technology, which allows for direct injection of the sample. The analysis is then carried out by gas chromatography coupled with the latest generation mass spectrometry. The COFRAC auditors have given their confidence to the accreditation of this method enriched with new organic compounds. The direct injection of this analysis allows you to receive your reports in the shortest possible time.
Phytocontrol offers you the analysis of specific pesticides such as glyphosate, AMPA, glufosinate, fosetyl-aluminum, under accreditation, as well as ethephon and maleic hydrazide, by direct injection in LC-MS/MS last generation. Our limits of quantification respect the current regulatory limits.
Thanks to the extension of our analytical offer with innovative methods and advanced technologies, the Laboratory gains in speed and robustness to meet your needs.
Need technical, regulatory and pricing information? Our customer service is available from 9am to 5pm, Monday to Friday.
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