Phytocontrol offers you the analysis of the content of glycidol, 3-MCPD and 2-MCPD free under COFRAC accreditation, as well as ester forms in foodstuffs.
The manufacturing (refining) process of edible fats or oils containing chlorides can generate the formation of glycidol esters (GE), glycidol, 3-MCPD (3-monochloro-propanol-1,2-diol), and 2-MCPD (2-monochloro-propanol-1,3-diol). EFSA has assessed a public health risk for these compounds.
The main sources of exposure are margarines, pastries and cakes. However, these free compounds or in their esterified forms can also be found in soy sauces, hydrolyzed vegetable proteins, infant milk. For young children, exposure may be significant because high thresholds have been found in some infant formulas. The main source of contamination remains vegetable oils.
The Phytocontrol offer
With its expertise in the analysis of free MCPDs and esters, as well as glycidol, the laboratory is developing an advanced method for the analysis of these substances. With the help of a latest generation of gas chromatography equipment coupled with mass spectrometry, Phytocontrol offers you the analysis of the content of glycidol, 3-MCPD and 2-MCPD free under accreditation, and the analysis of these organic compounds in their ester forms.
Do not hesitate to contact your regional Phytocontrol agency for any technical, pricing or regulatory questions.
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