To effectively control the spread of covid-19, the Phytocontrol Laboratory has developed a method to search for the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus on surface swab samples
Context and problems
Covid-19 disease refers to a virus of the coronavirus family, SARS-CoV-2. Responsible for the current pandemic, Covid-19 is a potentially fatal respiratory disease in patients who are frail due to age or other chronic illness. The main source of contamination is the inhalation of infected droplets from sick people. However, coronaviruses survive from a few hours, for inert surfaces, to a few days, in humid places. Contact of soiled hands with a contaminated surface could be a secondary route of contamination This pandemic has an impact on health issues and rules. To provide a safe and healthy environment for your employees and clients, the verification of your surface cleaning protocols and the identification of risk areas must be ensured by searching for SARS-CoV-2 within your structure.
The Phytocontrol solution
The reactivity of our R&D has enabled us to develop in record time a swab sampling method for the qualitative analysis of the SARS-CoV-2 virus on all types of surfaces as well as on everyday consumer products. The real-time RT-PCR analytical method, whose kit is recognized by the NRCs (National Reference Centres), enables the virus to be identified in only 24 hours after receipt of the swab. Actors in the food industry, food manufacturers, shops, cooperatives, local authorities, the liberal profession, cleaning companies, hotels, campsites... Phytocontrol supports all professionals and allows you to control all your food and non-food surfaces:
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