cheese feta-brynza and fresh vegetables, lettuce, tomato, cucumber, pepper on a wooden background in daylight.
In order to control the risk of food contamination by pathogenic germs that can have serious consequences for consumers, it is necessary to use various advanced techniques to confirm and identify the various species.
Analysis in food microbiology is essential to ensure food safety. Microorganisms produce pathogenic bacteria, viruses or toxins that can contaminate our foodstuffs.
The Phytocontrol Group, an expert in food safety, can help you in setting up your control plan, based on the process safety and hygiene criteria set out in EU regulation 2073/2005, but also on those established by the guides to good hygiene practices depending on the sector.
With its microbiological analysis laboratories, Phytocontrol has the latest technologies in the field, combining both classic and rapid analysis methods for research and enumeration, as well as the most advanced emerging techniques such as real-time PCR, which allow for an improvement in the time required to deliver the results and the level of confirmation. Phytocontrol is also able to control the stability of canned products.
List of the most frequently tested microbiological parameters:
- Salmonella
- Escherichia coli
- E coli O157 :H7
- Listeria spp & monocytogenes
- Pseudomonas spp at 25°C and 30°C
- Clostridium perfringens
- Bacillus cereus
- Thermophilic aerobic flora
- Total flora
- Microorganisms at 30°C
- Yeasts and moulds
- Enterobacteria
- Coliforms
- Staphylococci
- Anaerobic sulphite-reducing bacteria
- Mesophilic lactic acid bacteria
- Gram negative bacteria
- Candida albicans
- Campylobacter spp
Its logistical network, coupled with its strategic territorial coverage, enables sampling and transport within a day for a rapid analysis report.
All of the Phytocontrol Group's laboratories are accredited in the field of food microbiology, respectively by COFRAC for the Nîmes and Rennes sites, and by ENAC for the Barcelona site.
Do you need technical, regulatory and pricing information? Our customer service is available from 9am to 5pm from Monday to Friday.
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