Phytocontrol Laboratory extends its analytical offer on pyrrolizidine alkaloids (PA) in anticipation of future regulation.
Phytocontrol is able to detect and quantify 42 pyrrolizidine alkaloids, 35 of which are regulated, by LC-MS/MS with lower quantification limits of 0.5 to 1 µg/kg.
The Laboratory, already accredited on the matrices dry plants, spices, tea, cereals and derived products, leafy vegetables, honey and food supplements, has extended its accreditation on beehive products (pollen, royal jelly, honey) as well as Teas and liquid infusions intended for infants and young children.
A word about PAs?
Pyrrolizidine alkaloids (PAs) are toxins produced naturally by various plant species that may be present in certain foodstuffs. PAs pose a risk to the consumer due to their carcinogenic and genotoxic properties.
What regulations apply to PAs?
In the French decree of 24 June 2014 establishing the list of plants, other than mushrooms, authorised in food supplements and the conditions of their use, the quantity of PA is to be monitored on borage seeds and flowers. There is a restriction that preparations of this plant are authorised if it can be demonstrated that they do not exceed 1µg/kg of pyrrolizidine alkaloids.
Regulation (EU) 2020/2040 has set limits for the sum of 21 PAs as well as 14 other PAs known to co-elute with the former. These regulatory limits will only apply from 1 July 2022.
Phytocontrol meets the future regulation and already offers you the analysis, under accreditation, of the 35 regulated PAs including the matrices listed in the regulation.
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