The Phytocontrol laboratory is able to detect E. Coli STEC by PCR analysis.
Shiga-toxin-producing Escherichia coli (STEC) are pathogenic bacteria responsible for human infections with various clinical manifestations.
STEC strains are characterized by their somatic O antigen and their H flagellar antigen. There are a large number of STEC serotypes but five of them are more present and involved in human cases or epidemics: O26: H11, O103: H2, O111: H8, O145: H28, O157: H7.
STECs and more particularly serotype O157: H7 represent a danger to public health, with a significant impact on the food industries.
What are the risks of contamination for humans ?
There are multiple sources of contamination (food, water, human-to-human transmission, etc.) and several epidemiological cases have been identified. The main mode of transmission is through consumption of contaminated food.
E. coli STEC are found in raw or undercooked meat products, mainly in beef and pork, raw vegetables, and unpasteurized milk and dairy products. We also find them in sprouted seeds or certain spices.
In terms of toxicity, symptoms can worsen and lead to more serious complications. The first symptoms are ordinary diarrhea or haemorrhagic colitis and can give rise to haemolytic uremic syndrome, microangiopathy and thrombosis, severe neurological complications or chronic renal failure.
The Phytocontrol solution to control the risk of E. coli STEC
The Microbiology division of Phytocontrol is extending its range of analyzes on bacteria with the development of a new faster method for the detection of E. coli STEC by PCR covering a wide range of food products.
To provide you with the best possible support in controlling health risks, Phytocontrol offers you its technical expertise and advice to jointly establish your control plans, and extreme responsiveness for analysis results in less than 48 hours.
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