Once again, the Phytocontrol laboratory is QS certified with a maximum score of 10 points / 10. These conclusions result in part from the validations of previous tests, in fact the maximum score is reached only if the past tests have been successfully carried out.
All laboratory employees are proud to respond to this high level of expertise test as quickly as possible.
QS is one of the most important food inspection systems. Comprehensive certification encompassing every step of the supply chain including farming, processing, packaging and marketing. Created in 2001 for meat and products derived from it, since 2004 it has extended to fruits, vegetables and potatoes.
Phytocontrol has been certified since 2014 by the QS standard providing overall quality assurance of laboratory services and services based on approved and verifiable production standards.
Once again this year, Phytocontrol is proving its reliability and expertise through "blind" analysis for the detection and quantification of several active ingredients in just 48 hours. The requirements are very strict :
- all molecules must be identified
- no false positive is tolerated
- the quantifications must be between 70 and 120% of the doping level
This inter-laboratory test proves the excellence and analytical precision of the laboratory working daily to meet the needs of all players in the agrifood sector.
Need technical, regulatory and pricing information? Our customer service is available from 8am to 8pm from Monday to Friday at +44 (0) 2037 430 973 or service-clients@phytocontrol.com
And to not miss anything of the Phytocontrol news, join us on our LinkedIn and Facebook page!
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