Phytocontrol was present at the 5th Biocontrol conference of IBMA France, on 29 January 2019, transcribed for the first time in 8 different cities simultaneously: Paris, Angers, Avignon, Bordeaux, Clermont-Ferrand, Lille, Reims and Toulouse.
IBMA wishes to promote the development and implementation of Biocontrol in France by reaching 15% of the plant protection market in 2025.
The conference brought together various stakeholders in the field: research institutions, product suppliers, representatives of the agricultural and Gardens, Vegetated Areas and Infrastructures sectors, agri-food distributors, representatives of ANSES to feed the round table discussions and jointly develop tomorrow's solutions.
Phytocontrol wishes to place its analytical expertise at the service of Phytopharmaceutical companies, by assisting them in the development and characterisation of their Biocontrol products, by offering them customised services adapted to their needs.
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