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Food security and analytical issues Tuesday 13 March 2018 from 8h30 to 14h00, in Nîmes:
The theme, Food safety and analytical issues, will cover food microbiology, food contamination from packaging, and analytical issues related to pesticide residues. Different testimonies : Food Microbiology: Sophie DUSSARGUES (Microbiology Manager - Phytocontrol Laboratory) Analysis of contaminants from food packaging (phthalates, bisphenols and mosh moah): Emmanuelle CORDEAU (R&D Coordinator - Phytocontrol Laboratory) Analysis of pesticide residues in the conventional and Bio sectors: Eric CAPODANNO (Scientific Director - Phytocontrol Laboratory) Public: Actors in the agri-food sector, fresh and processed products and institutions A welcome coffee will be offered from 8:30 am, as well as a cocktail lunch at the end of the meeting. Limited seating, free registration.Seuls les utilisateurs enregistrés peuvent voir ce contenu. Connectez-vous ou inscrivez-vous pour continuer à lire.