8 February 2021
Neonicotinoids are pesticides that act on the central nervous system of insects. The EFSA found that for most crops, bees are at high risk due to […]
28 January 2021
The European Commission has just authorised 5 GMOs for food and feed (2 soya and 3 maize) and renewed 3 authorisations for GMO maize. Authorised GMOs […]
18 December 2020
The implementing regulation (EU) 2020/2087, published in the OJEU, has just recorded the non-renewal of the authorisation of mancozeb, the Member States had given their favourable […]
23 October 2020
The implementing regulation (EU) 2020/1540 amending 2019/1793 has just been published in the OJEU. It strengthens the control of sesame seeds at the borders. In addition […]
13 October 2020
The 2019 RASFF annual report for food and feed products has just been published. In 2019, 4,118 notifications were sent through the RASFF portal, including 1,173 […]
18 September 2020
Regulation 2020/1280 concerning the non-renewal of benalaxyl has just been published in the OJEU. EFSA has highlighted some concerns including the potential contamination of groundwater with […]
10 September 2020
Regulation (EU) 2020/1255 has just been published in the OJEU. It sets maximum levels of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) in powders of foodstuffs of plant origin […]
3 September 2020
This is the proposal of a Working Group coordinated by the IFV in which our laboratory participated: the implementation of de minimis in the analysis of […]