The laboratory is accredited by the COFRAC on a set of programs and has one of the most elaborate and exhaustive scope of accreditation for contaminant research in food and water :
- Allergens
- Contaminants from packaging and processes
- Pesticide Residues
- Heavy Metals
- Mycotoxins
- Alkaloids
- Residues of veterinary medicinal products
- GMOs
- Species authentication
- Newly-formed contaminants
- Food colouring agents
- Dioxins and PCBs
- Norovirus and Hepatitis A
- Food Microbiology
- Nutritional values
- Water analysis
Central laboratory
Phytocontrol is based in the Georges Besse II Science Park, in Nîmes, France. Its two neighbouring analytical production sites are each covered by a separate cofrac accreditation :
- Scope of accreditation COFRAC 1-1904 for Phytocontrol Laboratory 1
- Scope of accreditation COFRAC 1-6066 for Phytocontrol Laboratory 2
Find here the detail of our complete internal scope. :
Proximity laboratory
The Phytocontrol Proxilab Bretagne Laboratory, located on the outskirts of Rennes, in Vezin-le-coquet, includes a laboratory of more than 500m² and a sales office. This first local laboratory is dedicated to food microbiology as well as microbiology and physico-chemistry of water. The site is COFRAC accredited :
Phytocontrol accreditation in Europe and internationally :
Phytocontrol is accredited by COFRAC according to the ISO 17025 standard.
International recognitionThe multilateral recognition agreements ILAC (international) and EA (European) guarantee the equivalence of our accreditations.
ILAC Signatory Accreditation BodiesWhat is a flexible accreditation scope?
The Phytocontrol laboratory is recognised by the COFRAC as competent to adapt and implement in the field covered by the general scope any recognised method, and to develop any other method for which it has ensured validation.
Why choose Phytocontrol
Phytocontrol is a technological and human project that meets the societal challenges of water and food safety with proximity, expertise, reactivity and reliability. The Laboratory provides you with the most reliable, innovative and eco-responsible solutions to guarantee you the best European expertise. A step ahead in technology, Phytocontrol develops its own Information System via a latest-generation Datacenter and innovates with its own system for tracking the sample's progress. Anticipation is Phytocontrol's credo and it is its intention to stay ahead!