Phytocontrol Hydrology, at the service of the environment and water safety, is developing its offer with new accreditations for pesticide residues in water. .
Phytocontrol R&D experts have finalised a process to extend the accreditation of pesticide analyses in water. About thirty additional pesticide residues accredited by COFRAC are added to the list of more than 300 active ingredients.
These validations are made possible thanks to the flexible scope of Phytocontrol for these analyses, which allows the laboratory to have a new substance accredited in anticipation of the upcoming COFRAC audit, which brings more reactivity to meet customer requests and regulatory changes.
This result illustrates Phytocontrol's dynamic, always at the forefront of innovation, offering short analysis times as close as possible to its customers, in France and abroad.
Phytocontrol Hydrologie now has a complete pool of COFRAC accreditations for water analysis, physico-chemistry (according to LAB GTA 05), microbiology (according to LAB GTA 23), and on-site sampling and testing (according to LAB GTA 29).
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