PHYTOCONTROL is pleased to announce that its R&D department has recently developed three new rapid water analysis methods for the detection of the following microbiological parameters: E. coli, Coliforms, Intestinal Enterococci and Salmonella.
E. Coli and Coliforms
Fast COLILERT method allowing results to be obtained in 18h-24h compared to 72h for the reference method (NF EN ISO 9308-3). The results are expressed in MPN/100mL. The method is applicable in all types of waters except seawater.
Intestinal Enterocococci
Fast ENTEROLERT method allowing results to be obtained in 24 hours compared to 72 hours for the reference method (NF EN ISO 7899-1). The results are expressed in MPN/100mL. The method is applicable in all types of water.
Research method allowing results to be obtained in 3 days if the result is negative and 6 days if the result is positive. The results are expressed as "presence/absence in a given volume of water". The method is applicable in all types of water.
The Decree of 11 January 2007 on the limits and quality references of raw water and water intended for human consumption sets guide values for Salmonella in surface fresh water.
Concerning bathing waters, Information Note No. DGS/EA4/2014/166 of 23 May 2014 on the procedures for identifying, carrying out health controls and classifying bathing waters for each bathing season from 2014 onwards sets limits for e. coli and enterococci in artificial bathing waters in MPN/100mL.
For any technical, pricing or regulatory information, do not hesitate to contact your PHYTOCONTROL regional agency.
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