Phytocontrol is able to determine a broad list of 480 pesticide residues, using a novel high-performance LC Q-TOF method, combined with a GC-MS/MS multi-residue screening.
Fruit of a rigorous selection, at the same time regulatory, technical, and function of our histories of detections, the elaboration of this specific list on essential oils calling upon the last generations of analytical technologies proposes you the best coverage of risk accompanied by a reliability without equivalent.
Pesticides are used in agricultural crops to improve crop yields by controlling pests. The first known use dates back to ancient Greece, when sulphur was used as an insecticide.
Pesticides can be classified into different families:
- Of natural origin: extracts of plants, fungi, bacteria
- Of mineral origin: derived from sulphur, tin...
- Of chemical origin: these are synthetic products from phytopharmaceutical laboratories.
They are used according to their properties: fungicides, insecticides, herbicides...
These compounds are generally applied to crops according to manufacturer's specifications.
Because of their nature, essential oils concentrate certain natural or chemical compounds, including pesticide residues. Very interfered matrices, they are subject to known analytical difficulties in terms of detection and quantification.
Our R&D team has thus developed this new new method of pesticide residue analysis on complex matrix: essential oils to bring you the best precision and unparalleled reliability.
For any technical, pricing and/or regulatory information, please do not hesitate to contact us.
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