Since the beginning of the new school year, it is now possible to consult our webinars in replay. This simple and effective solution allows you to learn more about your industry without having to travel !
Each webinar is presented by one of our scientific experts of the Phytocontrol Group and focuses on a specific topic related to food safety and analytical issues.
Fosetyl-Aluminium, Dithiocarbamates, Chlorates, SARS-CoV-2, Microplastics, PPAM... many subjects are treated together to train you and broaden your knowledge on a contaminant or a defined product: origin, use, regulations, studies, analytical methods...
Stay tuned for upcoming dates, our Phytocontrol webinars are monthly, free and easy to use. Participation in our webinars, via a secure platform, allows you to ask your questions live !
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