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Acrylamide is a substance formed from compounds naturally present in some foods, including asparagine and reducing sugars such as glucose and fructose at temperatures above 120°C and under conditions of low humidity.
According to the EFSA opinion published in 2015, acrylamide has carcinogenic effects for all types of consumers.
Regulation (EU) 2017/2158 introduces specific obligations for operators who produce and place on the market certain foodstuffs, namely the establishment of a programme for their own sampling and analysis of acrylamide levels and the application of specific mitigation measures to achieve acrylamide levels that are as low as reasonably achievable and below the reference levels set by that Regulation.
There are not yet sufficient data available on the presence of acrylamide in foods not covered by Regulation (EU) 2017/2158, but which may have high acrylamide levels and/or may contribute significantly to dietary exposure to acrylamide.
The recently published Recommendation (EU) 2019/1888 concerns the monitoring of the presence of acrylamide in certain foodstuffs.
In order to guide competent authorities and food business operators with regard to the foodstuffs to be monitored, a non-exhaustive list of food categories/foodstuffs shall be established with a view to the adoption of possible risk management measures :
Potato-based products
Bakery products
Grain products
Please note that your Phytocontrol laboratory is able to carry out acrylamide analysis under COFRAC accreditation, the matrices concerned can be consulted via our COFRAC technical appendix N°1-1904 available in your customer area or on the COFRAC website.